National Parks

Our Dry Tortugas National Park Gallery is Now Live!

The moat wall at Fort Jefferson on Garden Key at Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida. Credit: Jonathan Irish

The moat wall at Fort Jefferson on Garden Key at Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida. Credit: Jonathan Irish

Thank you for continuing to follow us along on the Greatest American Road Trip as we explore all of the U.S. National Parks during 2016. We are excited to share our experience from park 3/59, Dry Tortugas National Park off of Key West, Florida. Please view, share, and enjoy! 

Jonathan and Stefanie

"I'm Going to 59 Parks in 52 Weeks"

"I'm Going to 59 Parks in 52 Weeks"

59 parks in 52 weeksthat’s fewer than one per weekand it’s all happening by road, save a few plane rides to reach island destinations. Everybody I’ve told seems genuinely excited for me. I am excited for me. And I am excited for Jon, my sig-O and better half, with whom I’ve dreamed about this project for over a year. In four weeks, we’ll be packing up an Airstream trailer and heading out on what we think will be the Greatest American Road Trip—visiting all 59 U.S. National Parks during 52 weeks to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the U.S. National Park Service.

Good lord, it’s really happening. Honestly, we didn’t think it actually would. When I mount all of the obstacles that have stood between the red and green light on this project, I can’t see a clear line between the two. At some point, we became so invested in the idea that we decided that we were all in and just needed to go for it. It was then we started quietly planning.